Inquiry-Based Mathematics Instruction at the University Level
Authors: Rachel Cochran, Bernadette Mullins, John Mayer, Tommy Smith

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It was hypothesized that deepening preservice mathematics teachers' content knowledge is a key component in improving future classroom instruction in mathematics. As a response to the need to improve mathematics instruction at the preservice level, the GBMP developed a degree track in the mathematics department primarily for middle school preservice teachers entitled Mathematical Reasoning. Mathematics courses were created or revised to reflect the inquiry-based pedagogy of GBMP's summer courses for inservice teachers.

The establishment of evidence of the effectiveness of the summer GBMP courses in increasing content knowledge in inservice and preservice teachers supported the development of the MA 313, Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Reasoning course to be taught at the university level. In addition, MA 314, taught by the same instructor, was modeled after the summer inservice Geometry course. Since the restructuring of the first two mathematics courses, MA 110, an undergraduate general mathematics course taught by a mathematics faculty member, has been restructured to reflect the pedagogy and some of the content of GBMP summer courses.

This study examined the effectiveness of the restructured courses in improving students' mathematics understanding, including their productive disposition and ability to communicate their mathematical thinking. It also examined students' satisfaction with the design of the courses and instructors' reflections about the challenges of changing their practice.