A Model of Math Infusion in Middle School STEM Curriculum
Authors: David Burghardt, Deborah Hecht, Bert Flugman, Michael Hacker

3. Design, Data & Analysis
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To develop and assess the math infusion model, a quasi-experimental pre-post design along with teacher and student self-reports, product analyses, and case study approaches were employed to examine math infusion in two contexts: during the A/B workshop and as a proof of concept within science classes.  This work began with a review of existing models, as well as an extensive discussion and work with district level teachers and administrators to look at the current math, science and technology curricula, logistical feasibility, and existing test results.  The curriculum template and A/B workshop model was created to help teachers develop math infused science and technology lessons.  In 2006-2007 each of nine districts held six A/B Professional Development workshops and a total of over 300 math infusion lessons were collected during this time.  Following each workshop, all participants were asked to provide feedback about the experience of developing and using the lessons, as well as to report on learning and changes they observed in their students.  Interviews were also conducted with a sample of teachers to ascertain their own personal growth through the process.  To further assess teacher growth, a rubric was used to quantify teacher development and understanding of the model as reflected in lesson plans developed during the yearlong initiative.  This aspect of the work focused primarily on examination of teacher change.    

The proof of concept study focused on student change in content knowledge and attitudes following participation in math infusion lessons that are taught using reform based inquiry math.  Six science teachers and three technology teachers developed and implemented 20 days each of math infused lessons that were taught to over 1000 students in the fall of 2007.  Student mathematics achievement data (tied to three specific mathematics concepts, measurement, graphing, and ratios/proportions, which were taught as part of the infusion lessons) and attitudinal data were compared pre and post participation in the infusion lessons, as well as with data from students in comparison classes. Mathematics achievement was assessed through a combination of 19 open ended and multiple choice questions items drawn from validated and reliable New York State 7th and 8th grade assessments, in which content was relevant to the mathematics taught in the math infused lessons. The attitudinal survey was built from a review of existing math and science attitudinal research and upon three years of prior work with teachers to address key naive understandings or naive conceptions of students. The survey included a five-point Likert scale, in which students responded to statements about their attitudes toward math, connection between math and science or technology and how they perceived themselves as math students.

Teacher feedback data concerning the lessons, process and perceived impact on student were collected weekly and in post-study focus groups.  More specifically, teachers' were surveyed on a weekly basis about the type and amount of math that was infused in their lessons, their and student reactions during the week of lessons, and any difficulties or challenges they faced. Focus groups focused more on formative feedback about the experience of teaching math infused lessons in science and technology. Data were gathered on student reactions, difficulty with teaching the material, student reactions to the experience, student outcomes in terms of math and science performance, and their interest in using these lessons again.

Matched pairs t-tests and analyses of covariance were used to explore differences among and within groups on the content and attitude measures while controlling for pre-scores.  Teacher feedback, observations and focus groups provide context for interpretation of these results. 

A fall 2008 replication proof of concept study is currently underway with 11 science teachers and 15 technology teachers and involving over 1,500 students.