Core and supporting partners will develop and implement a model for increasing the diversity of the teaching workforce; enhancing university faculty's understanding of middle school reform, learning standards, and assessments; increasing middle school mathematics, science, and technology teachers' understanding of mathematics content and pedagogy; and improving curriculum alignment among the mathematics, science, and technology disciplines. MSTP integrates three components:
- collaborative professional development for school-based and higher education faculty;
- curriculum revision and alignment; and
- recruitment of underrepresented minority undergraduates in mathematics, science, and engineering into teaching careers.
Project Contributions

"The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project Mathematics, Science, and Technology Partnership (MSTP) developed a multidisciplinary instructional model for connecting mathematics to science, technology and engineering content areas at the…

"The transition into the twenty-first century has led to a greater emphasis placed on student proficiencies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), with a particular focus on how these…

"This article presents an interview with Michael Hacker and David Burghardt, codirectors of Hoftra University's Center for Technological Literacy. Hacker and Burghardt address issues related to technology and engineering. They…

"In this article, the authors share their own perspectives regarding engineering education at the K-12 level. Smith believes that there must be a more direct infusion of appropriate mathematics and…

This paper addresses the following claim(s): "Infusing mathematics in STE at the middle school will improve student learning in mathematics and student disposition towards mathematics

Posted by: Lois Miceli . Despite mounting evidence that lectures alone are not the most effective way to help students gain knowledge, faculty in undergraduate science programs still use more student-centered teaching formats infrequently. Numerous…

Posted by: Lois Miceli . The Mathematics Infusion into Science, Technology and Engineering Symposium in March 2009 brought together more than 45 individuals...

"The Math Science Technology Education Partnership (MSTP, 2003) is one of the NSF MSP-targeted projects that has as its primary mission the improvement of middle school mathematics instruction and student...